
About Us

VS Coral is emerged from VS Selvamaligai Jewelry, Swarnapuri Salem with excellent customer’s satisfaction, trust and extra ordinary customer support. Our customers and patrons are helping us in a very special way, adding brick by brick to grow into a phenomenal growth.

VS Coral is a unique destination for high quality precious and fine jewelry designs. We aim at creating unique jewelry designs with a focus on craftsmanship, quality and customer experience.

Years in Business
Happy Customers
Unique Designs
Pro Consultants

Our Management

Mr.M.Selvakumar is the Managing Director of VS SelvaMaligai Jewelry, South India's #1 unique destination for Exclusive jewellery. He is carving out short-term and long-term strategies that contribute to the brand's growth in the jewellery.

He brings to the company an extensive knowledge of jewellery, production and management. He brings to focused for transforming VS Coral Boutique into an jewellery brand in India